Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Few Creations

Hello everyone,
Just thought I would drop by and share a few creations that I whipped up in the past couple of days. My niece's birthday is right around the corner, so I thought that I would make her, my daughter, and my other niece a few tutus. I used a mix of several tutorials that I found online, and here is the end result.

Aside from these, I also made a few warm hats out of some knit fabrics I picked up at Joann's. It was my first time sewing knit fabric, and using zigzag stitch for most of a project (I'm a rookie at sewing remember?). The end result turned out very neat however, and I am so pleased. I cant wait to see them on my little munchkin. For these little hats, I used the following tutorial from Prudent Baby: Top Knot Hat Baby Tutorial
And here are the pictures:

They can be worn either with the bottom folded up, or just as is...
And last but not least, I just made a little heart pillow with a heart pocket to send off for the birthday girl along with her tutu. I got the tutorial at Prudent Baby as well, and it is from the following link: Scarlet's How to Sew a Heart Pillow Tute
This is what mine looks like:
The fabric that I used for this is from Alexander Henry which I purchased from Fabricworm
What have you created lately? Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Bit of Thrifting

Hello everyone. I went thrifting this past weekend and I've been meaning to post the cute finds I spotted.
First off, I found a cute little top. I love both the print and the fabric on this top. It is great because I think it makes a cute layering piece even after summer is over.

Next up, I found this gorgeous vintage dress that I could not put down. It is so soft of a print, and I love love love the colors.

Up next, I found a Liz Claiborne sweater that has flowers knit/crocheted all over it. I like it because it has a vintage feel and it will match with so many things.

Lastly, I found this button up top/sweater. It is a bit large, but I thought that I could cinch it with a cute belt. I just really liked the print on this as well.

I like the last two pieces for layering too. I can't wait until fall.
What are your favorite things to wear for the fall? I'm on the lookout for a pair of cute boots.

-"aspire not to have, but to be.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Little Brown Stone Girl

There was once a little girl who moved from some very ugly apartments to her first home with her parents. The day that she moved to her new home, a special lady came over and gave her a big box of chocolates. The little girl was frightened and hid behind her daddy's legs, for no one had ever been that kind to her. Eventually this little girl started building up courage and would stand next to her new neighbors porch and just stare at them. She began playing and noticed many precious brown stones next to the porch. She would pick them up one by one, and place them on the porch since she was too afraid to speak to the neighbors. The special neighbor lady told the little girl that if she placed these stones in her freezer that her wishes would come true, for these were special wishing stones. So, the little girl did just that. Over time, the special lady and the little girl developed the most special of friendships. The special lady taught her so many wonderful things, from etiquette, to life lessons. She would buy the little girl anything that her little heart desired which was quite the blessing, you see, because the little girl had five siblings, so there was not much money to go around. As time passed, life unraveled and the little girl became a woman, got married, and had little ones of her own. The special lady and the little girl remained friends, but the special lady began suffering for she had a very difficult life watching after her father. She never married, or had children of her own. This little girl was all that she had, but the little girl became busy with her own life. One summer evening the little girl received the news that her special angel was gone, and is now left with a giant hole in her heart. Never was there a person so kind and selfless as this special lady who gave the little girl all of her dreams in the palm of her hand. Never was there someone so encouraging that told this little girl that it did not matter what the little girl did for the special lady would never think less of her. Now, I am left empty because I wonder who will believe in me the way that she did. Who will brighten up by simply hearing my voice the way that she did? My childhood, gone. Guilt that somehow I could have brightened up her last days. Fear, of how I will fill this emptiness. Anger, that I know not how to grieve because I am still in denial. I am just so confused, and blind-sighted. No one can ever understand all of the things that she represented for me. And I suppose this is how it shall remain for now. "For some moments in life there are no words.  ~David Seltzer, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"

 This was her last gift to me. She got one of the brown stones next to her home, and had it made into a necklace for me.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hello Again,
I would like to share with you the beautiful shelves that hubby and I constructed together... We went to the Home Depot, bought some wood, and got down to work... They are great for me since they are so versatile. They allow me to store my sewing notions, books, and miscellaneous things that inspire me. My husband is great for allowing me to practically take over the office...
On the left side is my cutting station, and as you can see on the following little desk, I have my sewing machine.
Messy, I know, but I thought I would share my little piece of the world with you... What do you think? What makes a great space for you?


I apologize that I haven't been posting for a couple of months...
I had a couple of health related issues, but I'm here now, and I am ready to share my new fabrics with you...
The first set of fabrics are an array of yards that I purchased from Joann's...

I love all of these fabrics and feel that they open up a world of possibilities for all different projects..
The following is a small blanket that is embroidered.. I found it at a thrift store, and it was too cute to leave behind.
Next, I have a gorgeous Alexander Henry print that I purchased from someone on Etsy.
Excuse the terrible pictures... I am working on the camera situation....
The following sets of fabric are some of my favorite. I purchased several Alexander Henry prints from the cutest couple which own a fabric shop called My Heart and Sew (I purchased these online from their site).
Up next are some of the most adorable fabrics... I purchases these from They are some Japanese prints and though I had to wait a bit for them to arrive, they are totally worth it...
And last but not least is the Alexander Henry collection I purchased from
This pixie collection is amazing...
Thank You for spending time with my! I hope you love my fabrics as much as I do... now, what to do with them.... hmmm....?